"if you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen
the side of the oppressor." - Desmond Tutu.
Indians Abroad for Pluralist India (IAPI) has honoured a world-renowned Sikh philanthropist who has made headlines for organizing relief camps in various conflict zones—including Syria…
Gurpreet Singh The United Nations needs to do to Indian Prime Minister what Canada did to Aung San Suu Kyi. Narendra Modi was given a…
Members of Indians Abroad for Pluralist India honoured Niranjan Takle - a courageous journalist who exposed the mysterious death of Justice B.H. Loya - in…
The members of Indians Abroad for Pluralist India (IAPI) held a rally against the recent arrests of five political activists in India. The Friday rally…
The members of Indians Abroad for Pluralist India have unanimously condemned the arrests of five political activists in India. In all, ten resolutions were passed…
South Asian activists came together to protest against recent arrests of political activists in India on Saturday evening. Organized by Radical Desi, the rally was…
It is pathetic to see how the two contentious issues - Kinder Morgan Pipeline and Site C dam - are being evaluated through a purely…
Support in Canada continues to grow for a Delhi University Professor who is incarcerated in an Indian jail despite being ninety percent disabled below the…
Canada-based World Sikh Organization (WSO) has raised its voice for the disabled Delhi University Professor, who continues to be incarcerated under inhuman conditions. G.N. Saibaba…
An eight-year-old who was raped and murdered in Kathua, India was remembered at the Surrey Vaisakhi parade on Saturday, April 21. Asifa Bano, who belonged…
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